Information on college admissions in 2021

In 2021, admission to colleges on a free basis is implemented in 2 directions:

I – in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 646 within the framework of the Program for the Development of Productive Employment and Mass Entrepreneurship “Enbek”. 1730 seats were allocated. To get into this Program for training, you need to go to the department of education at the place of residence and get information there on the availability of public procurement places with a list of colleges and specialties. There are no exams for this Program. If there are available places, the applicant receives approval and direction, which is a guarantee document for admission to the college. II-according to the local budget. Acceptance of documents begins on June 20.

II – according to the local budget. Acceptance of documents begins on June 20.

II.1. Those who want to study for working qualifications-go directly to the college or apply through the egov portal. List of documents: 1) application form; 2) the original of the document on education; 3) photos in the size of 3×4 cm in the amount of 4 pieces; 4) medical certificate form No. 075-U; 5) an identity document (for identification purposes); 6) if there is a relation to the quota category – the document certifying it. Applications are accepted from June 20 to August 25 of the calendar year.

  1. 2. For mid-level specialists and applied bachelors, documents will be accepted through the INFORMATION SYSTEM (hereinafter referred to as the IS). Its name: You need to go to this link on the IP and apply for participation in the competition for obtaining a state order. (This link is inactive until May 20, and the platform is being filled in).

Application deadlines: for full-time education – from June 20 to August 18 of the calendar year; for specialties requiring creative training – from June 20 to July 20 of the calendar year; for pedagogical and medical specialties-from June 20 to August 15 of the calendar year.

The information system will contain detailed step-by-step instructions for the applicant.

The applicant in the IP will need to pass a professional diagnosis. The results of professional diagnostics are of a recommendatory nature.

There will be no distribution of the state order by colleges this year. And there will be a distribution by specialty, indicating the colleges that have the opportunity to conduct training in this specialty, indicating the project capability.

The applicant has the right to choose up to 4 colleges and 4 specialties. The first selected college should be marked with the highest priority for admission.

There will be no exams (except for some specialties, which will be spelled out below), and there will be a calculation of the average score in the profile and main subjects:

– for 9th graders-in Russian or Kazakh language and + 2 specialized subjects;

– for 11th graders-in Russian or Kazakh language, history and + 2 specialized subjects. The applicant will need to attach a scanned version of the certificate to confirm the grades. (the list of specialized subjects, depending on the chosen specialty, will be automatically displayed in the IS).

Next, the system ranks applicants by the average score. If the applicant does not get into the 1st college due to a low average score, the system automatically transfers him to the selected 2nd college. And so on.


Persons who enroll in state-ordered training in colleges in pedagogical, medical specialties, as well as in art and culture specialties pass special and/or creative exams (psychometric testing). The topics of special and / or creative exams, the form of conducting them, are set by the colleges themselves.

The results of a special and / or creative exam are announced on the day of the exam and posted on information stands or online resources of colleges. And are added to the IS to the assessments for mandatory and specialized subjects for ranking and participation in the competition for a state order place.

If the average competitive score is equal, the average score of the educational document is taken into account, as well as the quota category in accordance with Resolution No. 264.

The Department of Education publishes the results of the Competition among those entering on the basis of the 9th grade – on August 23 of the calendar year, on the basis of the 11th grade – on August 25 of the calendar year on official Internet resources, and also informs applicants about the results of the Competition through the information system.

Enrollment in the composition of students in the educational programs of technical and professional, post-secondary education providing for the training of middle-level specialists, an applied bachelor for full-time training is made by August 31 of the calendar year.

III. 1. To enroll in college on a fee-based basis, you must apply directly to the educational institution.

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